We want to keep our favourite things forever, but everything has a life cycle. Not everything will hit rock bottom (or go missing) before it’s time to declutter and replenish. So, how do you know if it’s time?
From your prized lipsticks to your mother’s prized vases, and everything in between, now is the time to replenish all the older items to make room for newer ones.

Accessories and Clothes
Products for Makeup
Hair Care Products
Food and beverages
Items for the Home
Accessories and Clothes
Your clothes are one of the first things you should declutter, no matter how emotionally attached you are to them. They must leave!
Jeans: 2 to 4 years, depending on wear
8 months for bras
Sports bras last 6 months to a year with proper care.
Walking and running after 500-800 kms in sneakers
Jewellery: 1-2 years before oxidation begins

Products for Makeup
Yes, we know these makeup products practically cover your entire face, but they must go in order to make room for newer ones.
1 year foundation
1 year for concealer
Mascara: 3 months, or until it becomes dry and flaky.
Nail polish: 1 year
Three months for eyeliner
Lipstick: two years
Makeup brushes have a two-year lifespan and should be cleaned weekly.

Hair Care Products
You may be more frequent in replenishing these than the others, but you’ll be surprised at how long some of these can last.
2 years for shampoo
2 years conditioner
2 years with hairspray
5 years for a hair dryer
Hair brush: 1-2 years, or until the bristles show signs of wear.
Bath loofah: 1 month, must be stored in a dry place due to bacteria.

Food and beverages
Common sense tells you not to stock up on fresh foods that won’t be consumed right away, but packaged foods shouldn’t be overlooked either.
Packaged foods: 6-8 months, before bacteria accumulate.
Fresh foods last 3-7 days, depending on how they are stored (plastic wraps)
If packaged, fresh juices have a shelf life of one month.
6 months to 1 year for spices
1-3 years for herbs
4 years of extracts

Items for the Home
This one is as much for personal hygiene as it is for mothers to let go of their prized possessions. It’s fine, we can get new ones… Inform her of this!
Books: after 1-2 years, you might as well circulate them.
Vases: 2-3 years with regular maintenance
2 years for pillows (to be washed every 3-6 months)
Mattress lifespan: 7 years
3 months for toothbrush
2 years for towels

All of those flashy digital advertisements will remind you of this. However, for those who aren’t as tech-savvy and treasure their antiques, it may be time to let go.
Laptops last 3-4 years if properly upgraded and serviced.
1 year warranty on earphones
Headphones: 2 years before they begin to wear out
2 years for mobile phones